Visuel Provisoir Nacht

In an evocation of time and history, Isak Goldschneider at the piano and Jean-François Laporte at the Table of Babel will transport you from liminal spaces inspired by a Babylonian palace  to the traces of the memory. Palais de Mari, Morton Feldman’s last piece for solo piano, and Nacht, a creation by Pierre-Luc Senécal, will be gently enveloped by the visual worlds of artists Elysha Poirier, Tiffany Moore, and Xavier Madore.

From the very first notes, Feldman’s piece slowly opens the door to the mysterious world inspired by the Palace of Mari during the time of King Zimri-Lim. An introspective work of infinite gentleness, Palais de Mari unfolds like a delicate shimmer, where motifs are repeated in a seemingly identical manner, varied by slight changes in rhythm or pitch. Fascinated by ambient and drone music, Pierre-Luc Senécal plunges us into a deep and dark pool of sonic material, creating the sensation of frozen time. Enriched through artistic collaboration with Jean-François ...

Source le vivier:


Pierre-Luc Sénécal
Nacht (2022)
Morton Feldman
Palais de Mari (1986)




Espace Orange

Agora de la danse
1435 Rue de Bleury
Montréal QC H3A 2H7

Ticket information:

Prévente: 22$

Régulier: 30$

Réduits (Étudiant·e·s, membres Vivier, + de 65 ans, etc.): 18$