Memory of a Shadow

Jean-François LaporteMemory of a Shadow
Espace Totem
as part of:
Totem Danse #3
Memory of a Shadow is a visual hymn to the magic of shadows, an aesthetic of half-light. A work about beauty that explores the borders between darkness and illumination, form and imagination; between meditative immobility, and the moving volumes that caress the silhouette of a body or of an object. In this graceful and visually sumptuous research, music and movement fuse with space and light. The result is a dream world with uncertain clarity in which the smallest movement of shadows bewitches and fascinates.
Thanks to : Sioned Watkins et Maria Kefirova.
Music Composer/Musician: Jean-François Laporte
Choreographer/Dancer: Sioned Watkins (First Version), Maria Kefirova (Second Version)
Lighting design: Jean-François Laporte & Macy Chen