Francisco Huguet

Francisco Huguet
Francisco Huguet Is a Salvadorian composer and engineer born in 1976 in San Salvador, El Salvador.
Huguet’s music is impregnated with ideas of immersion and active contemplation, not only in a sensorial way but also in a human interior-spiritual dimension. His music intends to bear a meaningful ritual sense. His creative process is marked by research in both aesthetics and technical domains. He explores the incorporation of scientific notions and technics, like the use of psychoacoustic descriptors as compositional parameters, or the development of CAC environments using genetic algorithms technics. His composition method is a back-and-forth process between the empirical treatment of sound matters, the conception of time and timber structures, and the development of CAC and sound synthesis tools.
He is a co-founder member of the Ensemble Vortex in Geneva, Switzerland. The Ensemble Vortex is a composers and musician collective focused on creation and dissemination of new repertory.
Huguet begins his composition studies in El Salvador with the composer and conductor German Caceres Buitrago. After finishing his engineer studies, he leaves his home country for Switzerland where he studies composition with Eric Gaudibert, Michael Jarrell and Luis Naón at the Haut École de Musique de Genève. In 2006 he receives a grant from the Fondation Patiño – Ville de Genève for an artist residency at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. In the same year, he studies composition with Frédéric Durieux and Yann Maresz at the Conservatoire National de Musique et Dance de Paris as part of an Erasmus exchange. In 2009-2010, he follows the IRCAM Computer Music Cursus, and in 2011 he obtaines a Master degree in Engineering for Cognition, Creation and Learning with a specialty in Art, Science and Technology at the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble.
His music has been played at various festivals in both Europe and the Americas, including Festival Archipel (Switzerland), Latin American Contemporary Music Festival (Venezuela), Festival Acanthes (France), International Contemporary Music Festival of San Salvador (El Salvador), Festival Musiques Inventives d’Annecy (France), Platform Project 01 (Mexico), Mostra Sonora de Sueca (Spain), International Contemporary Music Festival of Lima (Peru), and the Totem Electrique concert series (Montreal).
He has received grants from the Fondation Patiño, the Fondation Nicati-de-Luze, the Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affaires, and the FANTEL Foundation.